What Is the Difference Between Friable and Non-Friable Asbestos?
Asbestos can be categorized into two types based on how easily it can break down: friable and non-friable. However, non-friable ...
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Call: 706-661-0487If you are planning on demolishing a building in the near future, it is important that you clear out any asbestos beforehand. Not only is it required by the EPA, but it can also be dangerous to have asbestos present during a demolition.
That’s where Environmental Services of America comes in. We offer comprehensive clearance services for asbestos containing materials (ACM) to make sure your demolition goes smoothly and safely.
In addition to the EPA, there are state and federal asbestos regulations by authorities such as the GA DNR and the DOH. These government bodies regulate asbestos removal and demolition in order to protect public health.
That’s why it is important to choose a licensed asbestos abatement contractor like ES America when planning your demolition project. We have the experience needed to protect equipment and workers while all asbestos including building materials are removed. Additionally, this is done while limiting the downed work days for your crew.
Asbestos removal programs are often begun prior to construction, from domestic renovations to office fit-outs and industrial expansions. Asbestos abatement is also required prior to demolition to prevent asbestos fibers from entering the air when buildings are knocked down. Not only is this a commercial responsibility, but it’s also a public health regulation.
Building materials that may contain asbestos include tiles, pipes, insulation, and much more. Demolition activities are regulated by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Agency. The clearance of asbestos prior to demolition is an essential part of many demolition projects.
Exposure to asbestos has been linked to a variety of diseases, from lung and colon cancer to asbestosis. This fibrous silicate mineral is a serious health hazard, and it’s present in many building materials. At ES America, we provide trusted asbestos testing and removal services for residential, industrial, public, and commercial buildings.
Our regulated asbestos service helps to protect your equipment and materials prior to demolition. Our working days are flexible, and we follow all federal asbestos regulations implemented by the Department of Health. It doesn’t matter how many square feet your building is; our licensed asbestos team is ready to help.
Environmental Services of America is the premier provider of Asbestos Fiber Removal Before Demolition or Renovation in Atlanta GA. We have decades of experience and the knowledge to help you through the process and make sure your demolition goes smoothly. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation and estimate based on your building’s square feet and needs.
Asbestos can be categorized into two types based on how easily it can break down: friable and non-friable. However, non-friable ...
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Many older homes and buildings in Atlanta and the surrounding areas still contain asbestos-based products, putting residents at risk for ...
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Popcorn ceilings, with their distinct textured finish, were once a popular choice in American homes, particularly in bedrooms and hallways. ...
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